Saturday, 28 November 2009

HELP! My body has gone into hibernation.

Since the clocks hae gone back I am really struggling to motivate myself to do any training. My body has gone into winter shutdown mode.

It's dark, it's cold, it's wet and I am craving dumplings! The couch potato within me has surfaced big style. This really is not good news at all.

I have been offered dogs to walk and friends to walk with. Nothing is working.

Can anyone out there offer me any words of empathy, encouragement or advice to motivate me?

Of course, nagging, bullying, humiliation oe bribery might also do the trick!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley

    You have my empathy, I know exactly what you're going through! I'm craving bread and Jaffa cakes at the moment and haven't been out walking for a good couple of weeks, mainly because it's either been chucking it down or because I've been busy with work.

    My advice is listen to your body, eat those dumplings and embrace your inner couch potato! A couple of weeks (months?) hibernation may be just what you need. Come January, you will be raring to go, trust me!

    Deborah ;-)

    P.S. Your bonfire and bangers night sounded brilliant!
