Last Saturday was our Bonfire, fireworks and supper fundraiser.
Having spent weeks (if not months) gathering wood from all over the county Mark had created an enormous bonfire. After all, if you're gonna have one, have a big'un!
Over a similar period he cleared out the barn (a massive undertaking in itself) and decorated it with fairy lights. Ten large cakes of fireworks were acquired (thank you Neil, for your contribution), the size of the boxes promised a spectacular display. Food for the two hundred guests that accepted our invitation was prepared - 250 hot dogs, several gallons of Chilli, 100 jacket potatoes and six large apple crumbles. My kitchen became a production line of food preparation, Lisa made sure it was organised with militery precision (Yes Chef!). Thanks also to Rosie, Sue, Julia, Tania, Veronica and Donna for extra food contributions.
At last all was prepared (we were knackered....but ready).
And the weather forecast? Blustery gusts of wind up to 85 mph and rain storms....."Oh England's green and pleasant land"
Undeterred by a small detail like the weather we ploughed on regardless. Plenty of mulled wine fortified us against the biting wind as we huddled together around a flaming inferno of a bonfire - Health and Safety? What's that?
Donations to Macmillan were collected on the night, totalling £625.00 - thank you to all those who contributed.
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