Today the 'K' team once again walked a circuitous route of Woodbridge. As you can see from the photograph, we were dressed ready for a variety of eventualities. I was kitted out for snow, Lisa was expecting sun and Justin.......seemed to be ready to service someones boiler. Dressed, in what appeared to be, a blue cotton boiler suit. I am told these are actually designer walking trousers (Justin - TK Max may have conned you!).
In the photograph we look like we're in the African bush - so Lisas choice of sunglasses was on this occasion the most appropriate.
Walking with rucksacks was theme of the training for today. Justin proved himself super-macho by carrying two years supply of golf magazines in his. This was apparently "very comfortable", I will have to take Justins word for this as I will not be trying it myself.
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