Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Pulling muscles

The focus of yesterdays PT session was pulling.

After a medicine ball warm up, we moved on to the pulley and rope equipment in the gym.  Isolating each muscle in turn by pulling weighted ropes in all directions.  This was followed by tricep dips, 'snatching' an 8 kilogram weight, squatting with a 12.5kg bar on my shoulders and flipping a tractor tyre up and down the outside decking.

In the evening I did my daily three mile jog around the block.

The PT said I would ache today, but I'm up and not achey..........I must be getting stronger.

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet moses that sounds like a nightmare. Well done Ashley you are doing brilliantly. I climber Snowdon last week and forgot what a hole it is when you get to the top. I hope the pub at the top of Kilamanjiro (the one that will serve you a cold Gin and Tonic when you get to the top)is not made of tin.
