Monday, 24 May 2010

Olympic weight lifting

The climbs of the last two weekends have buoyed me up no end, I now really feel like I'm getting somewhere with my training.  My progress over the last three months has amazed me.  However, I also am very aware that there is still an awful lot to be done.  My cardio vascular fitness, in particular, is nowhere near where it needs to be.

My thigh muscles are now also over-active (that's a first for any muscle group in my body!), very tight - like rocks.  So to loosen them up a bit the PT asked me to balance on a foam roller, isolating each thigh muscle in turn rolling gently back and forth to 'massage' or activate the muscle.  The muscles 'crunched' like rice crispies under the pressure.

Having sorted out my thighs, my PT session concentrated on strength training.  After warm up squats and a revision of weight lifting technique, I progressed to Olympic dead weight lifts.  Starting with a 20kg bar clean and press the weight was gradually increased until I was successfully lifting 40kg of weights.

This was followed by a farmers walk - carrying kettle bells with a weight increasing from 12kg in each hand up to a finishing weight of 24kg in each hand.

At this rate forget Kilimanjaro - I'll be ready for the 2012 games.

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