The personal trainer has laid down the law to me with regard to nutrition and exercise.
I am now keeping a food diary and keeping to the prescribed 5 meals a day in the recommended proportions of protein, carbohydrate and fat. I have set aside my normal excuse - not enough time - and have found that actually I can find time to shop & eat properly and make it fit in with my daily routine. As a result - I have lost just over a kilo in weight this week, it's a start.
On the exercise front, I have been to the gym four times. Again it's a good start (at last).
During the PT session he introduced me to some of the exercises that will be incorporated into my first months training schedule. Surprisingly, this included boxing. After several sets of punching pads that he was holding up in front of me my arms felt limp and lifeless but I have to say it is a good way to work off some stress. Highly recommended to anyone who is running a business through a recession and has teenage children!
After some mat work he determined that I have inactive buttocks! Unflattering but not a huge surprise as I spend most of my waking hours sitting in a chair at a computer.
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