Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Banana or no banana? That is the question.

Day 2 - Macmillan collection - Morrisons store Ipswich

Remarkably, Mark opted out of a golf day today in favour of donning his banana outfit to take the morning shift at Morrisons - surely above and beyond what any wife could hope for from her husband.

I took over as relief banana at lunch time but as I had to leave at 3pm to take Harry to the dentist, Michael (our Woodbridge Office Manager) kindly volunteered to take over from me.

I offered Michael my banana suit to wear which he politely declined, choosing to rely on his natural charm rather than a ridiculous outfit. This turned out to be a masterstoke - he managed to collect as much as Mark and I put together. Well done indeed! Maybe it was the Lynx effect - Perhaps I should try a dab of it tomorrow.

We collected a super dooper total of £686.31 for Macmillan.

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